I sprout in jars sitting on an angle. Rinse the sprouts through a strainer. I spray the sprouts with
Colloidal Silver to inhibit fungus. I am in the process of getting ocean water to use in a ration of 10 water to 1 ocean water. This creates sprouts with all 92 minerals present in them. This is what many bio dynamic farmers (many steps above organic in nutrition quality) utilize as soil nutrients.
As far as going raw vegan, a good way for many is to go slow. Try adding more raw every week and also each week take one thing away (such as meat , then eggs, then dairy, then wheat, etc) Some people take 2 months and slowly transition into raw.
Remember to saok nuts for 24 hours, soak sedds (or better yet sprout them), utilize olives and avacados in amounts that seem right for you,
juicing and fruits in moderate amounts, and lots of colourful veggies (blended is easier on digestion).