Thanks for answering, Deb. I think mine were different, because they were a light brownish red color, still transparent, but bubble-shaped, not flat like a fluke is described. The bubble-shape was hard and thin, too, sort of like a crustacean. I didn't use a microscope to see what was within. These were small- more like 1/4
I don't know what they are, but yeah I know what you mean- it is so freaky to see something like that! It was bad enough having a little group, I can't imagine the impact of a bowl full.
I have upped the MSM dose, but am not doing enemas for now. Hope I won't need to do that. Also doing lots of other
parasite cleanse things in combination, so I guess it will be hard to say what actually did the trick. My system has "noticed" all the things I took last night- still waiting for the results, though. I'm just accepting the fact that there are probably lots of other critters mixed with the candida, so trying to do things in concert without making candida worse.
*sigh* I like to think maybe this will be all just maintance by summer.... maybe I should get up the courage to try those enemas. Just not ready, yet.