Thank you yemaya and 21277 for the info. I have been trying to incorporate more natural protien into my diet daily, but I will definately try the chromium supp. and the carnitite/coQ10 as well. Would a health food store carry a carnitite/coQ10 supp. combined?
And yes, I attempted the Master Cleanse. I made it to day 4 and caved :-)!!! But I know I'll come back and try it again. Hopefully next time I will go the distance, 10 days or pink tounge :-) I plan to do a
Bowel Cleanse (P&B shakes), a dental clean up (remove
Amalgam fillings), a
parasite cleanse (Terminator II and Paragone), and a few
Liver Flushes before I attempt
The Master Cleanse again. And also quit smoking these damnable cigarettes!!! The craving for nicotine AND food was too much for my soul to bear!
It feels great to finally be in control of my thoughts and emotions. I was a nervous wreck before I discovered The Midwest Center. They have helped me tremendously!!! Now hopefully the Ultimate Cleanse will take care of the leftovers...
Something you might find interesting, I found a fortune cookie recently, broken, but not opened, I felt it was for me and was perplexed by message inside, "you can trust in the power of the collective", and I finally know what it means, because I do trust in the power of this collective!!! (Longer version of the story posted in the
Master-Cleanse forum) Thanks again.