i took effexor for a while with no problems. sorry you're having a rough time. when my kids were little, i felt isolated and overwhelmed sometimes. even though i baby sat my aunt's 3 kids when i was a teenager, i wasn't prepared for the 24 hour a day "on call" mom duty. i managed to get through each day of my daughter's "terrible twos" by talking with a friend i met when i called a "baby sitting Christian mom" ad. (not that i was looking for one, i was in a new city, i was a "stay at home mom" and feeling nuts and tired all of the time and overwhelmed. i also read proverbs (you know, the chapters in the middle of the Bible) out loud to my kids when i was the most stressed...it calmed us all down. even if i couldn't go anywhere, i could talk on the phone sometimes. i began to plan diversions for things to do outside. (had a hyperactive kid that was a real mess maker...when you're outside, you can dig and plant flowers, have picnics, (even if the "picnic" was what we were going to have for lunch anyway). even getting a watermellon and letting them get it all over them, then hosing them off was a blast for them. then, i could look at a magazine article (glancing up a lot...fenced yard...felt like a person again). the kids and i went to the library once each week and each kid got a book. (i found stuff for them to do in books and "how to books" for me). i know this sounds like you have to have a lot of energy. (i didn't, but they would leave me alone after i spent time with them...i said, ok, now it's time for me to read my book and each of us will play quietly. i would have them pick a toy and they were supposed to entertain themselves. (after a while, they came to look forward to it as much as i did). some people were moving and gave us a swing set. (they didn't get tired of that till they outgrew it and we passed it on).
now that the youngest is a teenager, i have more time and feel less stressed. i am a vegan now and i have tons of energy, no depression, no anxiety attacks. (i don't take any medications now, and i'm never sick...no colds, no flu, no sore throats, no sinus attacks, no headaches...i had all of that before. (i also started buying water that is double osmosis filtered outside the grocery store. (only $1.50 for a 5 gallon supply! and it tastes great. i don't drink tap water because it has flouride in it which is rat poison and makes me sleepy. read the link in curezone on flouride. (don't use the tooth paste with flouride in it either. (i felt agoraphobic for years...i just kept breathing deeply and slowly and asked myself, "what is the worst that could happen....i know, and what are the chances the worst will happen?...they say most of the time, the worst that ever happens is our fears of what might happen"
i wish i had been a vegan when my kids were little. i would have had all this energy and peace for them. i don't have "brain fog" any more. i used to take adhd medicine and antidepressants, etc. and i was always hungry and scared, sleepy and sad...for no reason! anyway, i think it is the growth hormones the animals are given that is causing so many people to have so many problems. i've lost 31 pounds. i'm not hungry, or scared all of the time. (i'm not depressed!) i get so much more done each day. when i first decided to become a vegan, i was thought i would miss meat, eggs and dairy. (after all, my grandmother raised beef cattle, my other grandmother made pies everyday, i was'nt the vegetable type...except i did like french fries!). anyway, i can have all the fries i want as long as they aren't fast food. i haven't missed it for a minute.
find at least one friend with little ones and go someplace each week, (like the grocery store, the park, barnes and noble, (you can read the books for free and they don't care!). love those babies with a friend and you can give each other "therapy".
hope this helps.
ps. my kids are wonderful...i don't regret staying at home with them. (there are lots of material things i gave up to be with them, but they are so well adjusted. (a joy to be with).