Funny...I am saying the same thing about you...
God Bless
PS In my posts you have to "break it down", read it slowly, and carefully, then you might get it. The public school education in this country does not teach us to think in advanced ways as I, so like a retard, you all will have to go over my posts more than once, perhaps with a study aid, to understand it, and then make an intelligent response. A couple of you got it, (most of you didn't) and I see your point, tho I ABSOLUTELY DON'T AGREE WITH YOUR RESPONSE. To me you sound lost, incredibly naive, under the spell and guidance(if you can call it "guidance")of the devil, idiotic, confused as to who you are(man or God), moronic, and just plain STUPID!!!!
God Bless
"The term has countless definitions" {MrCooties}
and here they are.
1. A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions.
The force, effect, or a manifestation or aspect of this being.
2. A being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by a people, especially a male deity thought to control some part of nature or reality.
3. An image of a supernatural being; an idol.
4. One that is worshiped, idealized, or followed: Money was their god.
5. A very handsome man.
6. A powerful ruler or despot.
I am basing my argument on the above definition from (Or do you have a problem with that too. It's not Bible, so u shouldn't have a problem with it, right? {{BTW, I am American, as I assume you are, so my point of reference is the dictionary, american values, English language, etc. If you want to talk about the def. of other gods from other religions, the debate is moot. My def. of God is the preceding excerpt from}}Now, that that's settled, Question...Are you one of these definitions of God? No? Okay, then. But if you are, please, correct the wrongs all-powerful being.
If someone's def. of God is NOT all-powerful, then you sound like an IDIOT!!!! U C? Try to keep up.
"Therefore I AM GOD!" {Nick5}
Now, Here you're claiming to be God(I guess) but not all-powerful. YOu sound sooooo STUPID!! Do you even hear yourself???
Atheists are so quick to change truths to their own ways. That's why this is one of THE MOST negative, angry, sad, stupid, forums on this site.
God Bless~