Thanks for the update. Good to hear.
I've had floaters in both eyes for about 7 years. I'm 34. I'm an IT professional. Lot's of computer time. I have bad eyesight. I wear contacts and glasses. I'm 6'0" , 245. My ideal weight is probably 200, which I was only 4 years ago. I've always thought that I was in good health, outside of being overweight. I eat fairly well. Just too much, like many Americans. Now, my floaters have worsened to the point where I think I'm only about 5 years away from a quality-of-life scenario.
I've been searching the internet for info or stories about curing floaters. I found some. The ones that seemed like they applied to me were here on Curezone. I like Owen's story of using miso and hyaluronic acid. I've been taking both for about a week now. Miso paste tastes bad, but a tablespoon isn't too much to throw down quickly.
Then I started reading other forums/info on Curezone. A lot of them are about fasting and cleansing. What most of them say is that all our little health problems that we think about, but don't take to a doctor because they're not very serious, could be caused by toxins in the body. You can also find people saying there is an eye-liver connection in Asian medicine.
I've decided now, that I would be doing myself a disservice by *not* doing a master cleanse (lemon juice fast), followed by a liver flush, after reading about it here. I have to try. Anything to improve my floater situation. Anything. Of my 50 extra
pounds that I'm carrying, who knows how much of it is "toxins"?
I've already prepared to do the fast. I'll start tonight or tomorrow, and I'll go for 2 weeks. I don't think I'll cave. I no-carbed myself for 2 weeks just to lose weight about 10 years ago. If I feel good at the end, I'll do a liver flush. If not, I'll wait a couple of weeks to do the liver flush.
Anyway, your message is just what I wanted to hear today. Unbelievable timing. Good luck on your next fast. Give me any important updates if you have any.