Hi, I Just wanted to respond to you message regarding chronic pancreatitis. I was also a heavy drinker, and I quit 4 years ago, though I've still had attacks every 2 to 4 weeks. I've had chronic and acute pancreatits and have been diabetic ( They were both diagnosed at the same time) for the past 5 years.The only real relief I've had was 2 years ago when I did the " liver and gall bladder flush " by "Dr Hulda Regeher Clark". I'ts on this site " The cure zone". I've done this flush regularly ( every month for the past 2 years, actually when I first started I did it every 2 weeks for the first 3 months) since I read about it, I've flushed out over 2,000 gall stones,not only from the gall bladder but the liver also which gives you more strength. The reason I'm telling you this is because Gall Stones are one cause of pancreatitis. The reason for this is when the gall bladder is full of stones it causes the the bile to back up into the pancreas and cause pancreatitis.So it depends on the individual, some will go the medical route and have there gall bladder taken out ,but from people's stories I've read many are worse off after gall bladder surgery.You can read there stories by doing a search on the internet on this subject, so basically the liver \ gall bladder flush is an alternitive to surgery. Another cause of pancreatitis is parisites in the pancreatits. I have done the
parasite treatments by Dr Hulda Regeher Clark but have'nt had any real noticable relief. From what I understand 15% or more of pancreatitis has no known cause. I stopped drinking coffee about 3 years ago, because it did aggrivate the pain for me, but I can still drink pepsi and that doesn't bother me as much. I do smoke, but honestly I know I should quit, I know it's not helping, but I also know how hard this is to do, so if he can I would say quit. As far as the constapation goes I have had this to, gall bladder can be the cause of this too, because if it is blocked with stones it will cause you to be constipated, because the bile it secreats is a natural laxitive. I would try ither psyllium husks, 1or2 tablespoon in a glass of water at night, or 2 tablespoons ground up flax seeds in a glass of water at night ( you can buy a coffee grinder for about $12 to ground up the flax seeds at a department store ) I perefer the flax seeds as they also contain omega 3 fatty acids which are also good for you, again this also depends on his tolerance, and preferance.The most helpful vitamine to me has been B-50 two times a day, because it helps with stress and energy. I don't know if your husband is diabetic, but 2 things have been helpful to me are cinnamon 1\2 teaspoon twice a day to keep blood
Sugar lowered and ( again you should do an internet search on this ) the herb Gymnema Sylvestre ( again you should do an internet search on this )this does apply to diabetics, but I read this herb helps regenerate the pancreatic islets which produce insulin.The last things I would say has been helpful is whole grain breads and products, mild exercise and proper rest, reduce stress as much as possible and as positive as an attitude as he can. I know how horrible this illness is and how lost you can feel while searching for answers, because it is so rare, I suffered more than I should have for the first 2 years because none of the doctors told me about the gall bladder. What I have told you is the result of much internet research and personal experience, I hope this is helpful.