Hello every one
I just can’t believe here I’m day 21 and feel that I can go 21 more day this is my first MC & Know I will do many more in the future
My questions are since I started my MC right off my semi sad diet I did not do any parasite , liver , kidney , Candia , etc I do have a middle back pain which leads me believe I may have liver stones ?? I don’t know I did not have this pain prior to the cleanse I have not had any weight loss this week which is not a concern now but more of long term problem that I’m working on I think if I clean & heal my body & start a good eating habit along with exercise I should loss weight naturally .
So the big question to all the experts out there should I stay as long as possible or should I end my fast & do all the other cleanse & than come back on the mc in couple month
Also does any one know how should I go about getting a naturopath I tired to the yellow pages & it give few names with different qualification if I’m looking for just a general Dr per say what qualification should I look for .
And right after I break my fast what cleanse should I do first ? where do I go from here?
Thanks you all
Thanks David
No I did not get enough lol
I’m so new to this whole holistic idea & cleanse and all although It’s been in my blood & just have not realized I ‘m like not a fan of western medicine it’s about $ not me not you there for I really don’t use them much.
Any how as to my goal I just wanted to go till my tongue got pink it not 100% yet but its getting there and better every day. I’m around food 24/7 I have 3 small one and their eating all day long I have a bagel sitting in front of me right now my daughter was eating . Plus I cook dinner almost every night I get pleasure of feeding others now since I’m not eating when I go back I will be doing raw foods for a while until I figure out how I want to eat I do love dairy & meat and was thinking about flowing the blood type diet not sure and that is why I like to see a naturopath.
Riverside, CA is close to where home use to be and I’m may be going back soon so I just may visit Dr. Arash Mohrdar
Thank for all info and I always enjoy others opinion the more extreme the better
Have great day