After doing a lot of reading, I decided this is what I wanted to do to see if I could feel better. I didn't really feel bad, just tired and achey. Anyway, I did the liver cleanse that is recommended by Dr. Clark.
Thursday, Jan. 24
10:00 Juiced two Granny Smith (more malic acid, I understand) apples and drank. Fixed oatmeal.
11:00 More juice
1:00 Fixed a baked potato with a pinch of realsalt and some crushed red peppers.
1:30 One more glass of juice.
2:00 No food or drinks.
4:00 Mixed 4 T.
Epsom Salts in 3c. water and put in the fridge to chill. (Supposed to make it taste better.)
6:00 Drank 1st dose of E.S and water. YUCK! I drank four sips at a time through a straw and bypassed my tastebuds in the front. It took me about 20 minutes to finish. I asked Agnes if it would hurt to mix with apple juice and she said no it wouldn't hurt.
8:00 Next dose of E.S. and water. Mixed with one granny smith about 1/2 cup. That made a big difference. 3/4 c.
Epsom Salt water and 1/2 c juice. It really made it palatable. Took about ten minutes to drink this time.
9:00 Took 4 Valarian capsules to help me sleep. BTW, it didn't work.
9:45 Juiced one grapefruit. About 3/4 c. grapefruit to 3/4 c. light olive oil.
10:00Mixed and drank with a straw. It wasn't bad. The grapefruit
juice really made the oil thin out. I started having diarreha pretty soon after 8:00 and believe I passed a stone even before the oil mixture.
10:20 Finally drank all and was able to get into bed and not have to go to the bathroom.
11:30 Still awake. I feel a little weird. A little queasy, but not bad.
3:00-5:00 Slept off and on.
5:30 Bathroom. Seems to be some kind of stones. Maybe about 25.
6:20 E.S./water/apple juice. Lord! give me strength. I really didn't want to take this dose. My stomach just felt really weird. I could still taste the olive oil/grapefruit juice. It wasn't so bad drinking it last night, but today...
7:15 Went to the bathroom twice. Stones are passing. Mostly small. None bigger than a pea. About 75 so far.
8:10 Last dose of e.s. I thought I would mix it with carrot juice this time. BIG MISTAKE! I had to fix a new batch of e.s. and this time added apple juice. I keep having ot go to the bathroom but not much in the way of stones.
12:00 noon Boy is my bottom sore! Passing stones is not a problem but this diarreha is.
6:00 I feel better. I slept this afternoon since I didn't get much sleep last night.
I didn't think I was very successful. I had read about people passing huge stones and huge amounts. That didn't happen, but after going online again and reading people's results I did feel better about what happened with me.
Saturday I had a lot of energy and just had an overall sense of happiness. I can't really explain it, but I did feel really good. I am looking forward to doing this again with a few changes and hope to rid my body of more stones. My husband is going to do his cleanse Monday. He was really supportive and is curious about what he will find.
All in all, I was a bit apprehensive about the taste of things and the reaction my body would have, but it wasn't bad. There was absolutely no pain, except the reaction to the diarreha. Next time I am going to leave off the last dose of e.s. and just drink apple juice. My best results were before the last dose, anyway.
Thank you to all who have shared your results. Some successes and some failures. It is so much a
Science experiment. Some things work and some don't. I have really learned a lot and appreciate everyone who has taken the time to write.