Dear Skylah,
It is so funny I came across your letter on the internet. My husband is 23 years old and has been diagnosed with Chron's disease since the age of 17, at that time he had 2 operations. He also has had parts of his small intestine removed. So he finds it extremely hard to absorb the nutrients he needs. We have just started a new diet and we are going to do a fast together. Although juice fasts are highly beneficial to many people I would not recommend a total juice fast for your friend. I have just finished reading a book called "Toxic Relief" by Don Colbert M.D. which I highly recommend. In this book it explains that many if not all Chron's patients are highly sensitive to sugars. Therefore Chron's patients do better on a Rice Protein and
Water Fast with juices that are made with low
Sugar vegetables. But if sugars from fruits don't seem to bother him and they don't aggravate his condition by causing a worsening in diarrhea than I would say go for it. We are also doing the eat according to your
Blood Type Diet and in doing the fast we are choosing vegies to juice according to blood type. Another good thing in the book said that once you have finished the fast it is good to continue eating rice products, primarily brown rice, brown rice bread and rice crackers or rice cakes made from brown rice. And from there to slowly introduce a low protein vegetarian diet and gradually work up to following your
Blood Type Diet , keeping a food diary to notice any
food sensitivities so you can then avoid them.
Well this may not work for some people , after reading the book I am convined and so is my husband that it is definetely worth a try and seems highly beneficial.
Hope you find a little something in this letter to help you.