Hey May:
1) One of the reasons you may be deficient in b12 is that you need a cleanse and not readily absorbing it. The body doesn't really need that much of it, just a constant supply. Vegetarian animals get their's from dirt...there are a few great sources for us humans.
You may want to start with a 10 day cleanse to 'test ride' and do an initial
d-tox. Depends on how you feel. I think the first couple of times your body dumps a lot of toxic waste.
Vitamins, though water soluble should not be taken on 'MC'.
2)Not sure of exact formula/stats for weight loss areas, although for me , not much is water. Depending on how much waste you have will determine that portion. Then the body will work on the fat part. A pound of fat has about 3500 calories of energy, lots of protein,too. If the
Master-Cleanse plan/formula/prescription is not followed precisely, you probalby will not feel the greatest or get the optimum results,IE,
fat will not be broken down as effeciently and the tons of energy it contains will
not be utilized.
3)Headaches are common for many and just part of the detox...poisons are being released and that is good. The best thing to do is drink drink and drink. I adhere
to the schedule of at least 10-12
Master-Cleanse cocktails. The lemonade, in my opinion, dilutes and scrubs the toxins much better than water. Also , you will get more energy out of the deal.
4)great game plan...best to eat 'free range' chicken and Fresh fish.Commercial chicken is horrible for you ,filled with hormones, not to mention the treatment and filthy environment the animals are raised and the improper foods they feed them. You may very possibly never suffer from bad headaches again if you ace the meat and dairy.
Other thoughts: Use PURE h2O during your fast,not just 'filtered',unless you have a top notch system,most don't remove chlorine-- and organic lemons or limes(good to switch back and forth for the added nutrients each offers). Also make sure you are using GOOD cayenne ...non irradiated, not the stuff at Safeway. Very important you use the top ingredients...it ensures a better ride.
Congratulations on making a wise move and doing the
Master-Cleanse - hitting the milestone 7 days...you have experienced what is for most, the toughest part.
As far as breaking, study the book and follow it. Your day prior to breaking you have done your last swf in the a.m. and last tea that evening.
Post fast , you will be continuing to detox and your digestive tract will be working much better. You must still consume lots and lots of water...always.
Just my take...
No good luck wishes...it's NOT luck...it's all up to you...follow the plan and enjoy the ride...bumps and all.