This is my first day a friend gave me the book said it worked wonders for him, i looked at it, the book is not try'n to sell any pills or make me join a service for a fee, so maybe this is for real?
my first day is done i'm on day 2 the salt water did not make me poo what kind of laxitive should i use the book dose not say?
Smooth Move Herbal Laxative Tea is what I use in the evening (as recommended), and the Salt Water Flush first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. I'm not sure if my response was typical (maybe someone can tell me), but I'm on Day 4 and I haven't had a regular poo since I started the MC. After the SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) (first time to do it this morning), what came out was more akin to liquid tar. When flushed, it kinda had an oily consistency. Know this is gross, but can anyone confirm this is typical?
I'm starting Day 6 - I had regular poos for day 1 and 2... day 3 was orange floaty blobs... day 4 and 5 was liquid like orange stuff that sank and the surface of the water was oily swirly orangeish. I did the Lax tea on night 1-3 and haven't had it since... I haven't done the SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) yet. but I think I will tomorrow morning.
Sorry this is kinda gross.
May :)
mine has been liquid blobs of dark brown, mostly floating in a pool of deep yellow/orange. consistency is weird... kinda oily and stringy when flushed. I saw some gross photos on-line of someone else's BM in a strainer and think mine is pretty similar = ok. my only BM at this point (Day 7) is in the mornings after drinking the lax tea the night before, and then again in the morning after the SWF.
Thanks, guys i found the senna leaf, and seems to get stuff going, my poo looks like what you just discribed, I was thinking about useing a strainer too, but that just sounds so sick!