It happened early this morning.
After the accident, the woman in the car ran to me to see if I was ok. I think she was way more upset than me. The policeman who saw what happened came quickly and asked me if I was allright. I was able to walk and jump (although I felt some pain), so I convinced him that everything was ok with me. I also made it clear that the accident was my fault completely, and not the driver's. Then, he asked if any of my stuff in my bag was broken, and we checked if there was any damage to the car. After everything was said and done, he asked us if he should make a report. I said that since everything was ok and there was no damage to anything, we should not make this more complicated than it should be, and that I would go to the infirmary of the school to get checked, so he let us leave. This happened during a school break when I went shopping for some supplies.
So, I went back to school, told the teacher what happened, and said that I was going to the infirmary. I picked up my stuff and left. The woman at the infirmary cleaned the wounds on my hand, and told me to go to the hospital to get checked. This happened around 10:30 this morning.
So, I took the bus to the hospital and waited for a couple of hours (there was A LOT of people). While waiting some of the pain went away. The doctor who saw me said that I looked quite calm for someone who got hit by a car. He didn't really seem to care and I think he was in a hurry. The whole thing only took 5 minutes. He made me take off my t-shirt, checked if I had any wounds on me, asked me to stand (I showed him I was able to stand on my leg, jump, stand on the tip of my foot). He said I was good and told me to come back if anything else happened (such as pus coming out of my wounds, etc). Oh and he gave me a note in case I was unable to work (I work in a restaurant and walk around a lot).
So, I came back home. Here I must mention that my mother is a doctor, so when she learned about this, she wanted to check me too. She said I look fine and calm, she isn't worried that anything is broken but she said it would be better to take x-rays to be sure. She had to take my sister to an appointment and since they were already late, she told me to look for the clinic's phone number on the interne (she gave me the name). I tried to call but I think they are closed at this time, because there was no answer. After this, I posted my message here.
Right now, I'm not nervous or in shock, I just feel tired and I want to sleep. I also have some light pain... oh, I forgot to mention that the pain in the back of my pelvis was mostly in the skin and muscles around that area, not in teh actual bone.
Anyway, I'll go to bed early today. When my mother will be back, I'll tell her that I called and that there was no answer. The clinics will probably be closed on the week end, but I feel fine anyway. I'll probably get x-rays on monday though.