In my group of friends and family, I guess you could say that I'm known as the "nutritional nazi". I consult with a nuturalpathic dr in my area on many occations and follow the advice of Dr. Ted Broer as well. People think that I'm abusing my children by not allowing them to have ice cream, etc... I'm sure there's more we could do to be healthy, but we are on the right track. I'm learning...
Ok... I was told I had excema as a child, however, I have enjoyed clear skin for about 30 yrs until about 4 months ago. I noticed a dry patch on my face that would not go away, then it turned red and itchy and now I have these itchy, red, slightly raised patches all over my face (including my lips...ugh!) and now my neck. It itches so bad, but I try not to scratch since that just makes more sores and the skin to feel thick and bumpy. I really don't want to go the dermatologist for fear that they will just try to medicate the symptom... but I am desperate and these patches on my face are more embarassing than I can tell you. I was thinking of doing a cleanse anyway and since this has happened to my face and neck, I think now would be a good time. My naturalpatic dr. recommended it. Does anyone have any experience with their skin clearing up after a detox?? I am going to Whole Foods today. I am also planning to do a
parasite cleanse... either
Clarkia or paracease by valerie saxon.
I am also taking Quercitin in case it is an allergic reaction to somthing (not sure what it could be... I don't remember chaning anything that I am using or taking). I am alternating aloe vera and an all natural anti bacterial cream my naturapathic dr gave me on my face and I am continuing to use the facial products I have used for over a year now (aloe based formulated by naturalpathic dr). I'm taking probiotics, omega 3, borage oil, cod liver oil, enzymes, as well as all my other vitamins. I just have concerns that I can do this. I tried a juice fast couple of mths ago only to end it in the 2nd day due to hunger and the grumpies :D). I have two small children and I homeschool, so not a lot of time to de-stress which is what most of the websites I have found have posted.
This skin problem is new to me, so I could really use some advice. Thank you so much!!!! ~Luvmyabs