I started today!!!
I really like the lemonade, I'm drinking it hot.
I went out shopping today, and felt lousy. I can feel the toxins starting to flush out of my system. I wasn't hungry until 6pm, when I was out and didn't have anything to drink. I think the secret is to drink before hunger gets ahold of me. I bought some senna tea, I'll try a cup before bedtime.
I weigh 212.5, and I need to lose between 75 and 87.5
lbs. My 3rd child is 20 months, and I still look VERY pregnant. Once I start feeling all that glorious energy I've heard about, I'll start doing yoga, so I'm not a size 8 in a size 18 skin. Who knows, maybe I'll feel so good, I'll decide to take up pilates.
I've decided to make a list of ailments and complaints, so that when I'm feeling 100% again, I can remember how far I've come.
1) lethargy
Acne on face and BUTT (boils, OUCH!!!!!!)
3) rashes, probably yeast, behind knee, along bikini line, and under breasts. Ick!
4) left eye has been twitching since April?!?!?!?!?
5) bitchy/angry/yell-y/mean mom/mild depression, anxiety, and irritability. Out of character, I'm one of those "always happy with a pleasant disposition" people. I made a career out of being a nanny, and my dream was to be on sesame street. I'm sweet and kind, and possess the patience of Job!!! Honest. So why am I such a grump?
food allergies
7) environmental allergies
8) Food Addiction. I'm addicted to chocolate and potato chips. Chocolate is especially out of control. (Potato chips hurt my knees, but chocolate doesn't, so EAT LOTS!!!) Other than those 2 things, I'm fanatically adherent to a healthy diet, but I'm tellin' ya, I inhale the chocolate. Everyone wonders why I nicknamed the baby "nugget". Well, it has to do with Hershey's Nuggets, I imagine.
9) My knees hurt
10) My guts hurt sometimes. My dad has chron's and my daughter has celiac, and my guts have always hurt. It's alot better since I've gone grain free, but sometimes I'll still have pain.
11)My lower back hurts
12) My back get "out of whack" alot
13) my neck still bothers me sometimes from a car accident 4 years ago, but it has felt 99.9% better since Solomon Wickey healed it for me. I'd be thrilled if the other .1% went away.
14) I have little sores on my scalp
15) fatigue. I need LOTS of sleep, and I'm still tired all the time.
16) Flatulence... I'm very musical
17) I get B.O. after 24 hours with salt crystal (much sooner w/o)
18) ears itch deep within
19) mucous in throat
20) headaches
21) stiffness in jaw
22) brain fog
23) High bad cholesterol and total cholesterol. ( super-high good cholesterol, too!)
24) occaisional hemmorrhoids.
25) ADD- slightly scattered
26) poor balance
27) poor circulation
28) Thin hair. I lost lots of hair after the baby was born.
29) Hermit tendencies. Very sad in an extrovert.
30) Messy house.
31) low libido
32) itchy stretchmarks
33) hmmm, I can't think of a 33 right now. That's a good thing!
So if you've stayed with me this long, please introduce yourselves and share your list of complaints that you are ready to bannish forever. I look forward to sharing this journey!