I agree with Somer...LOTS of water. What you're experiencing I think is normal...many people break out in pimples, a rash or other crazy skin things...I did a 29 day fast a year and a half ago and first I broke out in pimples, then that cleared up, then I would occasionally get these big patches of red, bumpy rashes in weird places (side of my rib cage, inside of my knee, etc). I also released probably 150
liver stones that I never knew I had! And it was just an MC, no liver cleanse.
Lots of ugly things will rear their heads (pardon the pun!), but the good stuff that results is well worth it. My skin became clearer than it had been in years, my asthma disappeared, my itchy legs stopped being so itchy, and my system felt remarkably clear. Oh yeah, and peace! I was so calm, as a result of the fast. It's really amazing just how connected crappy food consumption is to physical and emotional health!
Cheers and good luck!