If wheat grass and or vegetables contained the wrong sized minerals,
1. THEY HAVE "NO CHOICE' THEY SUCK UP WATER and everything in that water----vegetables normally never ever grow in Nature, they are man developed plants that can not survive with shallow rts and require more water and fertilizers/nutrients than nature can supply--so people have to care for them--or Nature will destroy them---sadly, the "raw" vegetarians can be overwhelmed with worms. Vegetables are attacked by Nature and parasites/diseases the result----the common tomato plants today----are plagued with so many diseases. When I was a kid, having huge gardens was so simple, but today having a garden is a battle against Nature. In 1950 the best Bacteriologist Author/book was asked in 1949 to investigate TEXAS after the navy jets sprayed it and he concluded you FOOLS, your poisons kill the bacteria in the soil and if you continue - the future will be crop failure unless you raise them on fertilizers. After 74 years of Arial spraying (unit 731) of the world, trees, bushes, plants all suffer greatly----not just from endless poisons, but thanks to blocking the sunlight so they can warm the earth every day via their GREEN-HOUSE AFFECT of trapping the Sun's Heat, they have killed billions of trees in the North from the lack of sunshine and trees eaten alive by mold and people's houses plagued with mold...lack of sun = mold.
then, millions of people world wide would have not gained back their ph balance, aka 'health' by using wheat grass juice and or vegetable juices.
2. 7.35+ pH is a result of correct electrons and eating FRESH PICKED foods can lend some electrons, but dead/packaged/sterilized foods have no usable electrons.........odds are, very few "modern" living humans today have a TRUE pH of 7.35 with right spinning cells...BUT, you can "TRICK" pH testing by eating salt and other high pH chemicals--which "forces" the stomach/pancreas to counter balance by making excessive acid, otherwise the alkaline chemicals would "burn" the stomach and intestines.
Sickness is just acidosis
3. and acidosis is caused by many reasons..
or in other words: proton overload and electron deficiency. Body lacks alkaline minerals/electron donors to neutralise acids/protons.
4. Getting there....
Raw vegetable juices, fruit juices, vegetable juices provide the needed alkaline minerals/electron donors to neutralise acids/protons, donate electrons.
5. Answer me this------A. those fruits/veggetables were LOADED with usable donor electrons when they were ALIVE attached to the earth's soil.
B. once picked/killed/processed and no longer touching earth--------THEY ALL SUPPLY MINERALS: Fruits of the tree/vine/bush ORGANIC and vegetables/grasses/annual plants---all a MIRROR MINERAL, partial organic and partial rock-inorganic that clogs the heart/arteries/kidneys and kills just like water rock minerals do..
It is that simple.
6. yes
There are countless testimonies of people online on forums, comment sections, facebook groups etc. telling their stories about how they recovered from their dis-ease(s) just by adding to their horrible diet lots of carrot juice, wheat grass juice, celery juice, parsley juice, beet juice, cucumber juice, lettuce juice, zucchini juice, green bean juice...
7. Yes, because they were so miserable prior to eating a little better. MIRROR Minerals, 1/2 organic, 1/2 inorganic rock and chemicals/pollution in a state of fermentation/rotting.
A. I like Carrot Juice---but when you are Orange Juice Fasting and your gut has corrected---TRY THIS: Drink Carrot Juice, it will taste so yummy, but because your GUT is much healthier by then----it will recognize carrot juice as BAD and you will pee it out your butt......... EVERY VEGETABLE JUICE will be recognized as the enemy of health once your in advanced Fruit Juice fasting of 14+ days..
B. The good people have tried something BETTER and enjoying it; but they have only knocked on the door and while doing the Dr. Howard Hay, M.D. Way via his book: HEALTH VIA FOOD; if your really really LUCKY, the number 108 may open up as your knocking on those doors of better health, a brain that removed some mud and worms and starts to function and if 108 comes to a human, ideally it is for life and their life should become better year after year---as guides "educates" via past authors......Hay and many past authors believed they were writing the books for future people that they could guide their books to--long after their body died..
C. Never forget, all those authors died, many young,. because they did not live long enough to learn from others---today 1,000's of such books exist, history exist. Today people can learn from 100+ past authors thanks to the internet and finding past books or past books finding you.
Baking soda/sodium bicarbonate works the same way,
8. DEATH CHEMICALS, not a subject for this forum---in the category of pee drinker, poop replacement types, coffee enemas, those drinking silver, Lugol's Iodine and many other POISONS that has harmed millions of humans.
the sodium is an alkaline mineral which neutralises acids and donates electrons... the bicarbonate does the same thing ... this is why 'cancer' patients, recover in 4- 8 weeks on 3- 6 teaspoons of baking soda per day.
9. Anyone that does such things, are so lost thanks to false authors and the evil that exist via the internet...Such false authors---HARM people, because they can become VICTIMS of such false authors spewing poisons as cures....so not subjects permitted here..
The body sacrifices sodium FIRST to neutralise acids/poisons/protons (all 3 are the same).. when sodium gets too low, calcium is next, when calcium gets too low, potassium and magnesium are sacrificed next.
10. The BODY, when forced by being poisoned, can work in many ways to try to save the life---such nonsense is all "MEDICAL" fake science and not a subject for this forum---promoting poisons belongs on medical forums--not here.
'Cancer' is just extreme acidosis/proton overload/electron deficiency...
11. There were over 1,000 cures for cancers by 1950
Today Cancer was turned into an industry after all of medical agreed with Dr. Howard Hay, M.D. by 1950, the 1920's cure scared the medical world so badly, they agreed with unit 731 and mastered poisons world wide for all..every human past age 150 had a bullseye on their back---the elderly had to be exterminated so medical could survive...
Cancer is just a dying body, lost its pH and as the electrons fade away, each disease appears as the lymes dissolves the flesh and bones with enzymes and circulation lost....the rot is called parkinsons, cancers....people that can not remember their own name--prisoners in their poisoned body.
have a great day-