Woke up this morning feeling terrible. Sore throat and headache. First thought was going back to bed. But, I had promised hubby a special treat for breakfast. So I was off to the kitchen instead. I was tempted to taste it, because it was a new recipe; but then i remembered. I am SO glad I committed myself last night by posting here. Otherwise, I would have eaten, and delayed yet again!
I'll be pleased to have others starting the same day. I also love reading posts of those just ahead or behind. It's so amazing that we can have similar experiences, and yet individual results. For myself, I usually lose 2
pounds per day for the first 5-7 days. I'm hoping that holds true.
Never got around to my tea last night, so I had mine this morning at 5 a.m. Have already had 5 glasses of water, and looking forward to feeling ready to drink the "lime-ade".