Hello, wondering if anyone can ID this worm/fluke looking thing
https://www.curezone.org/ig/i.asp?i=114784 - I found a worm under the skin in my face, started antiparasitics (prazi and albendazole), and these two came out of a cut in my toe - larger is about 1.5
inches and smaller fluke looking one a bit less than an inch.
I saw a general doc who did not specialize in
parasites and she thought "dog worms". I may have multiple worms - I also have what look like immature
Tapeworms under my skin. There is a "nest" in my hand which looks like tons of immature
Tapeworms all on top of each other - skin is like a "mucous" that is super hard and almost impossible to scrape off. I also have zig zag, circle, and line shapes that are faint and kind of look white, under several areas of skin in my body. I think these are more nests trying to start. I have an increase in freckles in these areas and the freckles almost look like shapes. At times - I have HUGE visible
parasites under my skin - several
inches to one that is from my hand to my shoulder - all are faintly visible whitish shapes under the skin, vaguely looks like tapeworm. I am not ruling out skin flukes but and thinking most of this damage is from tapeworm. Thanks for any info...