I assume you are flushing to cure depression, but the liverflush is used to assist the lifestyle changes that are essential in beating this illness. You need to concentrate on the big picture of
Depression and not on the more trivial aspect of counting stones, which can be obsessive. The anger that you describe isn’t good for you.
Andreas Moritz talks about
Depression being a result of toxins, hormone imbalance, drugs, medication, good nutrition, stress, alcohol. As a cure he suggests a wholesome diet, relaxation, exercise, being outdoors, avoiding metals, socialising and joining in, good sleep.
Andreas Moritz book, second edition, when asked about the number of flushes he replies that people living in the USA may need 35
Liver Flushes which he assumes is due to the levels of vaccines, prescription drugs, stress, polluted food, poor air and poor water. He is also adamant about maintaining a 2 week schedule between flushes. He says,
“I recommend that, once you have started liver flushing, you continue cleansing at regular intervals until all
Gallstones are removed. Sometimes, not cleansing for two months or more can make the next flush more difficult and less successful. After a liver flush, it takes about 2 weeks before enough
Gallstones have moved from the rear of the liver toward the two hepatic ducts (exiting the liver) to make another purge worthwhile. You may want to do the flush about every 3 to 4 weeks until no more stones come out, or else take a little more time between each flush. If you decide to do a
Liver Flush every two weeks, start drinking the apple juice or cherry juice (or alternative option) 2 weeks after the last main purge. Most people prefer to flush about once per month. In any case, it is important that you get rid of all the stones, big and small. Just a few small ones clustered together in one of the larger bile ducts can produce major symptoms of discomfort in the body, such as indigestion, bloating, headaches, backaches, and so on.”
Regards Telman