about electrodes :
conductive clothes are practical to use but they have a low conductivity
conductive sticky / gel electrodes, (like for electro musculation), i don't know, never done much test with it, i don't find them practical to use
most conductive electrodes are copper / stainless steel handles and footpads (on which you can put coton clothes, slightly wet (salt water) to decrease skin resistance and prevent burns)
about frequencies :
none of them have a proven effect, each is from a different manufacturer (30khz is from huda clark, 2.5khz is from ken presner, 15hz is from don croft)
it is more about marketing and differenciation than a better effect to kill microbes
in theory you can use any frequencies, because the goal of a zapper is either to add electrons in the body (to stimulate immune system cells) or to disturb
parasites (so that the immune system cells can detect them and attack them)
however, 15hz is probably not the best choice if you plan to use a high enough intensity (because at 15hz you can feel the contractions of the veins / muscles)