Hi Refreshed and thank you for your reply : ).
It's interesting that we have a lot of similar beliefs and also a similar experience in encountering a supernaturally enhanced ability to read and understand the bible upon (and only upon) first being filled with the Holy Spirit. I absolutely believe you when you say that God spoke to you to read the bible and for me it's as if "something like scales fell from my eyes" and words began to fly off the page at me as never before.
I think where we primarily see this differently is that i don't believe that all of the words within the bible or any book need to be 100% God breathed, inerrant and infallible in order for that book to contain immensely valuable truth. I believe God spoke to you saying, "read the bible", as i believe He also spoke this into my heart, but this is not the same as Him speaking to you or me, "read it and you can trust every word therein because the whole book is 100% perfect". I believe He wants you, me and everybody else to read the bible and any other book with as much Holy Spirit discernment as possible for which parts are true and which are not.
I too had read verses within the bible at the time i was first filled with the Holy Spirit that spoke very deeply into my Spirit as never before and helped to transform my heart and my life. I am recalling off hand that the concepts of peace that pass all understanding and unspeakable joy as aspects of Living in the Spirit came to life for me as never before. Once i was filled with the Holy Spirit many other verses spoke to me as well and verified what had happened and that i was born of Spirit and a new creation in Christ. I knew from deep within that this is what had happened to me and it was incredibly different and what i would describe as experiencing the Kingdom of Heaven for the first time.
At the same time "i forbid women to teach because eve was deceived", various sarcastic rants of Paul (or an author that actually is not Paul) and lots of other verses did not resonate within me as God breathed truth and only brought what i would refer to as a check in my Spirit including way back then about 25 years ago.
I believe a child of God can deeply enjoy and gain immense value through the incredibly good parts of the bible without having to believe the institutionalized religious system's popular doctrinal opinion and demanded belief that the bible is 100% God breathed and perfect... and i would say that these doctrines of biblical perfection go against all the evidence to those who are willing to take a very honest look and who are willing to go against the grain of popular church system opinion and hazard a non-conformist position.
In my case, not only does my rejection of the doctrines of the 100% God breathed bible not deter my faith in God and my love for Him, nor even my faith that the true parts of the bible are true, but it actually enhances all of this because i don't have to find a way to reconcile within myself all of the parts of the bible where Yahweh appears to be anti-women and a genocidal monster among many other things that i do not believe Him to be and which never resonated within me as truth. Rather i believe the true character of the Father is represented through the life of Lord Jesus and that the Father's character is heavily misrepresented in many other parts of the bible which i see as being in deep contradiction to the heart of Jesus.
Anyway, no hard feelings i hope.. to you or to anybody else. i just believe as i do, very deeply and sincerely, and i believe there are excellent, copious and valid reasons behind it. Other people are certainly entitled to believe as they do and such is their right. Also, i don't believe that people will go to hell for believing in a 100% God breathed bible :), but that when they do make it to Heaven they will find out that the idea was a big religious deception where the Father was heavily misrepresented and that much like other religious deceptions it too was rooted in control : ).
I also believe that this speaker in the video above does present a lot of valid truth based upon the actual evidence. Believing this need not make anybody anti-God or even make them opposed to the idea that the bible does indeed contain plenty of wonderful truth. It just makes people opposed to the religious system doctrines of the 100% God breathed, inerrant and infallible bible, which again to me is just a product of the institutionalized church system that became popular opinion as well as a belief which became a condition for conforming to and belonging to this system as is also the case with certain other doctrinal beliefs.
For those who might be interested, a refresher (no pun intended) of my beliefs on this topic are found in this thread here:
https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=2416300#i1 (Part 1)
https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=2416398#i (Part 2)
https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=2416552#i (Part 3)
https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=2416841#i (Part 4)