You are the fourth person to suggest Cnidarians and there are marked similarities - Haven't used FenBen in long time so will give it a go - Perhaps with Prazi as well (have platyhelminthe looking flat "things" that re-populate daily by the dozens in skin areas affected).
The question I have is how would Cnidarians survive (more like thrive), reproduce, and or travel in human body (assuming core population in gut)?
Have been "reported" skin infection cases in Asia - little documentation I can find.
At this point though, if something ends up "working" towards cure, and is not offset by notable harm from a med, I'm all-in.
I likely have multiple factors involved like most. Topical 2% Clotrimazole cream IF kept on pretty much non-stop has also helped clear up part of infected area (rapid initial positive effect but reaches point where central area stays active).
Physical removal seems to be the only solution - esp effective when topical meds help weaken the
parasite - but if left alone for 24 hours, replacements come back/grow back etc.
I do regularly see two types of what is clearly eggs/ova - the round ball inside an outer round ball (hard and found those with seam where opens evenly in half to produce the core egg/ball - see my previous posts), OR larger oval shapped threadworm looking egg with film in middle (VERY similarto /almost exactly like threadworm ova).