Hi guys. Wondering about personal experience with CS like Mesosilver or GoldenGevity for candida, prostatitus and sibo. Been on antifungals for awhile, tried
Iodine and an anti candida diet but wanting to try a good
Colloidal Silver for all this then build my gut bacteria back up.
Done a fair amount of reading and even tried this sovereign silver crap my naturopath suggested. Man did that not work and just exhaust me. Been looking at reviews and the difference between real and ionic silver. If ppm really matters compared to particle size and bioavailability. At a bit of a cross roads with picking out a good CS between meso and golden because of all the marketing out there (and probably my own brain fog).
I know goldengevity markets at having some crazy high PPM and says they use no chemicals while meso has much better (or at least more reviews and a higher cost...) but has a lower ppm and miiiiight use chemicals to help suspend their particles.
Any experience and or logical info out there? What I'm reading on the forum is a lot of name calling and finger pointing and it's kind of hard to know which is BS and which isn't.