Doing your meds with the BPs is probably the worst thing you can do because of the BPs highly absorbtive nature it would suck up your meds.
You know the MC is not the only way to cleanse so you might try all the other cleanses and going raw with freash made veggie juices added and see if you can wean yourself of the meds gradually. Try some juice fasting then also. It might take a while but thats the nature of true permanent healing. You don't wanna be taking meds the rest of your life.
Since your meds must be taken with food once you have weaned yourself of the meds you can try the MC.
Hey ya'll it's great that you are both looking at persuing natural healing and cleansing but I want to EMPHATICALLY point you to FRESH MADE JUICES. No ifs and or buts about it.
There is just no way in hell that anything that is bottled or processed and packaged is gonna have anywhere near the effect of the fresh juiced stuff. I guarantee you that no packaged processed product from vegetables is gonna contain any "live enzymes" which is crucial and of prime importance and is one of the premier component lacking in the SAD diet. Beside all of the above just plain ole common sense will tell you that NOTHING is going to take the place of fresh made juice.
So please do yourselves a favor and get yourselves a juicer and start getting your veggies into your system fresh. It will be the best investment you will make towards better health.There simply are no magic pills or shotrtcuts. The sooner you come to terms with this the sooner you'll be on your way to a *TRUE AND PERMANENT* cure and better health.
Hey ST I can't be by my juicer all the time either when I get in busy mode and do supplements but only as "back up" . Being in a new business is very erratic schedule wise and it can be feast or famine but even then if I really wanted to I could get a juice in each day either early morn or evening.
Since the original poster seem to be brand new to all this I just wanted to make sure he/she understood the fallacy of the one cure all magic pill syndrome as the main focus of any cure.
If anything as far as your situation I hope that you get back to juicing as your prime focus as much as your schedule and lifestyle allows.