Archus, it worked! I bought some castor oil and rubbed my tummy, I then lay on my front with my bum in the air (the only position which was comfortable). After about 30 minutes I had a tiny poo, TMI? Hahaha I then fell asleep, no pain, no nausea for 7 hours! I don't know when I've slept that long, or peacefully. Thank you!
I woke up and had a nice drink of water and it all started back up again. So, I haven't drank. I know you said to keep the toxins moving but it's unbearable. Even when boiled and sipped. I did an amazing golden puke, my littlest asked me "have you been eating treasure?" Pmsl!
I've lost track of how many days I'm at, I think day 40 is tomorrow (30th March was my first full day without food so I think that makes tomorrow day 40). I plan on
juicing cucumber. OMG I want cucumber! I'll be careful though.
Thank you again for helping me. Your kindness will always be remembered.