It is a very confusing world when it comes to electrotherapy for many different things and sadly, there is a bit of misleading information or even just plain wrong information.
There are a wide range of each type of product, for example, zappers range from the simple ones that produce a single base frequency with harmonics such as the
Hulda Clark Zapper, the Ultimate Zapper, Don Croft Terminator, and the Beck Zapper. These are the bottom of the barrel due to their lack of accuracy and having only a single frequency. Other limitations may exist too.
The next step up is dual frequency zappers and even triple frequency zappers such as the Z4EX.
Following this is the Quad Harmonic frequency zappers which provide a mixture of additional frequencies. These, as well as all of the zappers above have limitations in accuracy and the number of frequencies available.
Anyone who is seriously interested in achieving the best results should consider a microprocessor based, multi-frequency zapper. These tend to be at least 10 times as accurate as the 555 timer based units, which means that you are at least 10 times as likely to get the same frequency and results as another customer with the same model.
Some zappers that use crystals for frequency generation ( not the same thing as orgone crystals ), can be 100 times to even 200 times as accurate or even better.
Naturally, these better zappers are not made from the cheap $30 handful of parts that are used to produce the 555 timer based zappers or the Beck zapper so the better zappers may cost a lot more. These advanced zappers may also include Rife frequencies and therefore, may become a powerful tool.
Then there is the digital display zappers, some of which are not so well reputed.
The step up from here is the Rife frequency generator which allows the user to specify specific frequencies or sets of frequencies that the user chooses for their purposes. This includes the Spooky2 and others. These can be quite expensive but the cheapest is the Spooky-2. However, even a fully equipped Spooky2 can cost close to $3000 while some top of the line units can cost $5000 US or more.
For basic simple uses, a cheap
Hulda Clark Zapper may get you by. A basic Zapper can kill some microbes but not all, and again, much depends on the exact frequency that is being produced because the frequency can vary significantly from unit to unit.
For killing a wide range of microbes, a better zapper such as ParaZapper may be the best choice. It is also a great choice due to having multiple modes of operation and the portability so that it can be used in many situations rather than having to sit right next to it or being tied to the wall power or to a computer.