Congratulations on choosing a lifestyle that includes plant based diet and cleansing. Also great job in fasting with water only.
Best way to get old fecal matter removed is to take
Bentonite clay with plenty water which scrapes inside of your gut because the clay will swell and push out everything stuck on intestine walls. You can also do a
Sea Salt flush, take Trifala every night before bedtime or
Epsom Salt to eliminate junk. You will also benefit from liver flush.
You can include freshly squeezed organic vegetable juices two times a day.
Your question about how long to fast to remove old fecal matter is a hard one.
It will help to understand that fasting works differently with different people. It also will be different evrey time you fast.
The reasons are, we are all different, have had different diets, have different maladies, and our body prioritizes what ailment needs to be balanced first, second, etc.
Longer fasts will not only eliminate old fecal matter, it will eliminate junk from every corner of you body and mind.
Best wishes.