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"I am considering taking zinc supplements...
== Good because so many of us could use more zinc. An analysis of nutrients in crops today vs samples saved from 100 yrs ago shows less zinc and other important nutrients. Furthermore zinc is involved in protection from various toxins--look up MT proteins.
" because: 1) I’ve noticed when I eat broccoli on a regular basis my sex drive increases substantially,
== What's the link? You might actually be sensitive to thiols (SH groups containing a form of sulfur).
" 2) I’ve read adrenal fatigue will cause your body to be deficient in zinc,
== I'd be interested to learn more about that. My understanding is that zinc is needed for 3B-HSD enzyme that converts pregnenolone and DHEA towards other adrenal and sex hormones and therefore is desirable for AF.
and 3) I’ve read zinc is just generally a great supplement to take to support healthy hormone production.
I’m weighing this with the fact that 1) Dr Lam replied to a post on here several years ago saying zinc wasn’t something he usually uses in patients, 2) I’ve read horror stories of it causing anxiety and insomnia,
== Generous doses are taken by those using A Cutler's heavy metal detox protocol. Some people struggle to tolerate zinc or some forms of it; however, others like the benefits.
== I am one of the latter however, I got symptoms of taking too much support for testosterone. My FM doc had me on a modest 12mg of DHEA daily after hormone tests. I needed far less DHEA after a few months of 50mg zinc and detox but I still felt the desirable effects of the smaller dose.
== high dose zinc lozenges have been GREAT for avoiding colds in our family!!!
== I just take 1/4 of an inexpensive zinc gluconate tablet before bed. It does not taste bad, just a little chalky. I actually chew it with a tbsp of water and allow it to coat my mouth and throat when I am feeling the start of a cold. The tasty zinc acetate from Life Extension is nice during the day. I'll be taking a 1/4 tablet after I send this message due to tingling in my throat.
and 3) I’ve read taking it long term can lead to prostate cancer.
== A study showed that those with prostate cancer have LOW levels of zinc in their prostate! I probably have the link in my notes if needed. I have other risk factors for prostate cancer but have no qualms about taking roughly 25mg Zn per day, mostly before bed.
I’m having a difficult time weighing the pros and cons on this. Has anyone taken it and shown improvement in any area?
== You are wise to learn before just taking things randomly.