I'd like to ask anyone with knowledge of having used
Iodine on perineal area to help relax prostate (I have BPH--enlarged prostate--I am 69 years old). I take 0.4mg tamsulosin (flomax) daily. I smear
Lugol's 5%
Iodine on perineal area everyother day. I wonder if after I put
Iodine on perinium if dabbing some DMSO (I have 99.98% DMSO) would help the iodine get to the prostate, and also if the DMSO would also be good for BPH? My urologist said last year that once prostate is enlarged it doesn't ever shrink. Can iodine and DMSO make prostate shrink?
Is it good to dab some DMSO on after the iodine dries? Or is there a ratio for a mix of the two? Can I use it every day or twice a day?
Best regards, appreciate any knowledge of this,