Hi everyone,
I'm posting this question to several forums to get a variety of advice...
I was diagnosed with lupus about 2 years ago and so far I've been able to manage without taking any medication ( because I'm concerned about the side effects). I've been on an anti-inflammatory diet called autoimmune protocol for about a year and I've been doing coffee enemas.
Someone in the lupus forum a while ago mentioned that they got rid of their lupus by going on a raw or mostly raw diet/juicing and I've been hearing about others getting rid of their lupus doing the same thing.
My question to anyone else who has gotten rid of their lupus through a raw food diet and
juicing is
1)Are there foods you avoid because they can or are known to cause inflammation? The autoimmune diet (AIP for short) that I've been on eliminates grains, nuts, seeds, certain spices, and nightshade vegetables like potatoes tomatoes, and eggplant because they can irritate/ contribute to causing leaky gut, and leaky gut is suppose to be the cause of all autoimmune disorders.
You're suppose to reintroduce these foods back into your diet after a certain time to see if you have a reaction but my question is if these foods are suppose to contribute to leaky gut which is suppose to cause autoimmune disorder in the first place, is it really safe to start eating these foods again?
Is anyone else who is on the raw food diet and who has cured their lupus eating these foods? This question can be for anyone else who may know someone in this situation too...
I want to know this partly because since being on this diet I've become more underweight than I already was before I started and I many need to start eating some of these foods again to gain some of the weight I've lost. (I look practically anorexic even though I eat a lot of food!) I also was diagnosed with
parasites over a year ago and have been taking a protocol to get rid of it and need to retest to see if still have them and that can part of reason for my weight loss but diet is I'm sure part of it).
2)For those of you who eat a raw food diet, is it 100% raw or is it like 90% raw and 10% cooked? And if its 10% cooked are you eating grains, nuts ect....I guess I'm really wondering if there is a lupus meal plan where I can get recipes that are "safe" and helpful for people with or getting rid of lupus) that I can eat long term but isn't as restrictive as the AIP diet.
I know this is a long post and thanks in advance for any advice!