I had mites in my scalp,not worms, but I will give you what I used.
I used about 10 pipettes of ADVOCATE. Over a period of six months. I would leave it on as long as I could and leave my hair for a week between washes.
Then I realised I had a thick film all over my scalp. I tried all the usual things, and a few weird things. I researched what would help to dissolve varnish as that is what the film feels like. I found that WD 40 was one top product mentioned. So I sprayed it on and put a shower cap on my head for an hour and then started scratching. I did it every day for a week and could break through the film in several areas. It came off like fine rubber.
Then I moved onto Eucalyptus Oil as it is the strongest remover of sticky stubstances. I now put it on my head for a couple of hours before I wash my hair every third day. Then I methodically pick at my scalp to remove pieces of film. It feels spongey and when I scratch any large areas it actually deflates. So weird. Anyhow, I dont have mites any more, but I do still have the symptoms of Morgellons which I am working on and beating.
The lesions closed up using
SSKI super saturated Potassium
Iodide topically diluted 50/50. In three weeks they were closed apart from one that just closed and healed.
I also put methylated spirits on my scalp once or twice a day to dry out any fungi that might be there.