So here are those long-awaited points, as they appeared in an article by Prof. Robert Whitelaw that was published in Vol.1 No.1 of The Researcher, Spring 1971 issue, pp19-20.
The Five Points of Finalism
The Bible is God's final revelation to sinful man. There are no later revelations to supplement or supersede it; nor special interpretations explicitly reserved for latter-day saints1, hidden from the apostles. "History does not explain the Bible; the Bible explains history!" 2 Peter 1:16-21; Gal. 1:6-12; Jn 14:26, 16:5-15 et al.
Our Lord Jesus, the Logos of creation, the I AM of history, the eternal Lord of Glory, was made flesh and dwelt among us, once, in the ‘fullness of time’, in one unique and final incarnation, in the body which suffered upon the cross and rose again. He is not to be made flesh again to sit upon a carnal throne; nor will He appear again either to Jews or Gentiles, believers or unbelievers, until He is revealed in His present heavenly form and majesty to judge the quick and the dead of all ages. 1 Peter 1:1; Rev. 1; 1 Cor. 15:35-52; Gal. 4:4; Jn 1:1 et al.
This present Gospel Age is the last time given to mankind to hear and accept God’s offer of salvation. It is the final age in a great extended drama of human history from creation to consummation. There is no carnal age to follow in which any will be given a second chance or another means of salvation. Mt 13:24-43, 47-50; 25:1-13; Luke 13:22-30; 2 Cor. 6:2; Heb. 4, 12:22-29; 1 Peter 1; 2 Peter 3.
Jesus’ atoning death on the cross is the unique and final all-sufficient sacrifice for human sin accepted by God. It was ordained in eternity – not the afterthought of a ‘kingdom offer rejected’, and the One sacrificed was sinless – not one who by word or deed conspired to overthrow earthly rule by force. There is to be no more sacrifice for sin forever, either as re-enactment (the Roman Mass) or as ‘memorial’, and any such practice is an abomination to God, for it crucifies the Lord afresh. Heb. 7-10 and 1 Cor. 11.
This final age will terminate on the last day, when the earth will make its final revolution and then be dissolved and pass away (Is. 65; Rom. 8; 1 Cor. 3; Heb. 12; 2 Peter 3; Rev. 21-22). Then will occur the final resurrection of the just and unjust of all ages, and the transformation of the living; then will Christ appear in glory with all His holy angels, before Whom all will stand in final judgment. Then will the wicked receive their just and final punishment, and the saved, clothed in Christ’s righteousness, will enter into their final reward. Dan 12:1-3; Mt 25; Jn 5:28-29; Acts 17:31, 24:15; 2 Cor. 5:10, 1 Thess. 4:13-5:9; 2 Thess. 1:5-10; 2 Peter 3:1-15; Rev 6:12-17, 11:15-19, 20:11-15, et al.
So, as you can see, the subject of eschatology is not some kind of afterthought tagged on at the end to tickle a few fancies with lurid stories about people disappearing, or earthly, carnal delights to come. On the contrary, it is woven into the warp & woof of fundamental truth, and has far-reaching consequences to these truths if we deviate from the path that they define.
I put it to all of you who demur that chiliasm in all its forms represents a root & branch reinterpretation of fundamental truth that cannot withstand close scrutiny by the light of Scriptural standards. How else, for example, can you explain the widely held chiliastic belief that the opportunity for salvation will continue for at least 1,000 years (or 1,007 according to dispensationalists) after the second advent in the face of some of the clearest statements of Holy Writ to the contrary? Or the continuation of sin, death and decay during the same period? And all in the teeth of passages such as 1 Cor. 15 and Rom. 8?
No, such beliefs can only be the result of a fundamentally flawed hermeneutic, at the heart of which lies a complete disregard for the manner in which the OT was interpreted by the Apostles of the New Covenant.
1. trapper, please note.
PS I may well have some spare copies of some issues of The Researcher. If you would like them, pm or e-mail me your address. No charge.
Sorry, but fluency in trapperese still eludes me. The limitations imposed by a pea brain, unfortunately.
I 'love' Erdogan. Ever heard the phrase 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'? Well, he's no longer the west's friend, coz he's fighting the Kurds (who I love even more) - the only effective fighting force against IS.
Finally, we see Turkey's true colours, as if the Armenian massacre was never enough. Yet again, the west has backed the wrong horse, and threw Cyprus to the wolves in the process. When it comes to Kissinger, I'm with trapper.
The icing on the cake will be when I see Turkey leave NATO and defect to Russia's side, or join the EU - after we have Brexited. Loquat will throw a celebratory party when that happens.
Is it possible that irony is lost on you too? Firstly, there is no love lost between me and Turkey. That's why I put love in quotes.
Secondly, I love the west and westerners. My forebears were the founding fathers of western civilisation, don't forget. What I abhor is the foreign policy of some western countries, but especially of the USA since WWII. I abhor so-called 'American Exceptionalism', which apparently gives them the right to dictate terms to the rest of the planet, whilst simultaneously denying that they have any imperialistic ambitions.
I abhor Kissinger's explicitly stated ambition to destroy Greek self-determination, identity, etc. I abhor LBJ's exposing himself to illustrate the power he wields against any small nation that dares to cross his plans. I abhor their almost constant overseas interventions, both political and military, whilst simultaneously feigning apoplectic fits at the merest suggestion of Russian involvement in their political affairs. I could go on, but I hope you get the point, coz the list is quite long.
But hate the west? Never.
This is somewhat OT, so I'll gloss over your tenuous grasp of history in the same manner you have glossed over the Greek contribution to art, architecture, science, mathematics, theatre, philosophy, literature, sport, democratic governance - even 'computing' for goodness sake. Ever heard of the Antikythera Mechanism, for example? No? Didn't think so either. None of these accomplishments are in any way diminished by their belief in a pantheon of gods, which is just about the most ludicrous argument I have ever had the misfortune to encounter.
Leaving aside the two notable exceptions of Akhenaten's Egypt and Israel (the former in any case very short-lived), all ancient civilizations practised varying degrees of polytheism and had their own mythologies. And yes, that includes the Celts & Picts, or did you imagine they were somehow superior in that respect? While they were still breaking stones, Euclid was putting the finishing touches on his magnum opus - The Elements of Geometry - most of which is still taught in your superior English schools to this day. Care to name a British equivalent for me from the same period?
After that kinda spurt of creativity, I'd say they were entitled to kick back their chairs and put their feet up for 2,000 years. They've made their contribution to society and humanity, so they've earned their 'break'. If the Romans continued their work instead of hacking poor old Archimedes into shish kebabs (oh yeah, let's not forget the kebabs - yet another Gk 'invention'). and then plunging Europe into the Dark Ages, who knows where we would be now?
As for owing my life to the US, I'm sure the millions they murdered since WWII (at least 1m in Iraq alone) will be pleased to learn they all died in a good cause - to save my sorry @$$. I've heard of revisionist history, but you take it to a whole new level my friend. Most only attempt it after the memory of the events in question has all but faded, but you try to foist it on me while the images I saw as a child coming out of Vietnam are still seared in my consciousness.
Nice try mate, but you really should try your blinkered fawning of the US military industrial complex on someone much less informed than I am. You might then have the remotest chance of pulling the proverbial over them.
PS That wasn't a job application for the Pentagon, was it?
I quite agree. We should only listen to you, and assiduously apply ourselves to a deep devotional and reverential study of all your posts. Yours and BTDT's. Only then will we know the truth, and the truth will set us free.