Can I use a zapper if I have heavy metal toxicity?(gadolinium from MRI contrast)
I also suffer form GI problems like parasites and dysbiosis.
Has anyone used it for this conditions and when having heavy metal toxicity>
There has been a number of individuals who had MRIs with contrast added over the years who have chosen to use zappers. I have not heard of anyone commenting of any negative effects. If you do feel any unusual negative effects, please let us know here.
ok, thank you. I have cc2 model by parazaper and would like to know which mode is used for general all body maintenance and which one would work on the gut microbes and parasites.
One last thing. I have a chronic giardia that at times seems to be debilitating. I have been battling this for years now. Would you have any suggestions as to which mode could be helpful in battling giardia in guts and possibly in gallbladder