What you're going through sound just like what I was going through a few weeks ago. I started on my anti-candida journey a couple months ago and was having a very difficult time with constipation, a movement about twice a week and it was very hard and dry. I drank tons of water and ate tons of vegetables, but nothing helped. Out of desparation, I decided to give
colonics a try. They helped immensely to get rid of a ton of yeast, but i was still constipated. Then one day while researching, I discovered the solution. The problem I was having was because of the candida and its toxins, my liver was congested (liver enzyme tests confirmed this). As a result I wasn't producing enough bile. It turns out that bile is the body's natural laxative. I started taking bile salts, about 250mg with each meal, and bammooo, regular movements again! It takes about 3-4 days to get through your system, so keep at it. Don't give-up after only a couple days of using them. Another thing I recommend for candida is a silver/aloe protocol. It has worked wonders for me. About 1oz of each, 3 times a day. Let me know if you have any questions.