First of all I would like to say thank you for all the time and effort users of this site put in. I have been a reader of posts for about 18 months but this is my first post. The comfort I have found from some of the information on here has been invaluable when traditional medicine / doctors have been of no help at all.
Ok, so several years ago I got a bad bout of food poisoning from a Chinese restaurant. Several months later during a very stressful period I started with mucus in my stool.
Fast forward three or so years, I have had two colonoscopies and been diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. I have changed my diet and am extremely healthy. six weeks of Asacol got rid of the symptoms and I was free from UC for a year.
One year later I really ran my body down with mental and physical stress due to work. Around the same time, my UC came back. I should say that while the doctors say I have UC and I have seen the colonoscopy images showing mild ulcers, the ONLY symptom I have is an excess of what I think is mucus which is passed either on its own or at the beginning of a poop.
After reading pages of forums and a ton of medical papers in the search for a cure to the problems not just relieving the symptoms, I found myself on the Humaworm website.
I finished a course of Asacol (6 weeks) and have been symptom free for a couple of weeks now. I started my Humaworm parasite detox five days ago along with a colon cleans (also Humaworm) and this morning the mucus has started again.
The reason for my post is that I would like it confirming that it is mucus, not something else. I pass this in varying quantities when my UC is bad but is it something else parasite or candida related. Today I have been going through fairly bad die off and I am not seeing much else to report in my poop but I know that this could be due to the parasites being microscopic or the Colon Cleanse wrapping these up in poop.
Here's what passed BEFORE my poop comes out...
I would really appreciate some help with this as my doctors are useless and I am determined to sort this without medication.
Thanks, Blake.