Well I made it to day 28--feels good. I'll be breaking the
Master-Cleanse tomorrow w/ fresh oj...I cannot wait for the vegetable soup! Even tho I wasn't hungry for much of the fast, food is really sounding good to me now.
Okay, the benefits--a lot of mine are emotional/spiritual. I just felt calm and clean most of the time. Instead of filling all my days w/ activities, I was able to just sit back and be. I guess at just felt at peace. I lost 18 lbs., but I feel good. I'm 5'4"--started at 123 now at 105--I really can't afford to lose any more, but the trim figure is making my yoga practice so much better--the flexibility I've gained is wonderful. My skin has cleared up really well and has a nice glow, and my eyes are much brighter/whiter. My tongue isn't all the way pink yet. One thing I noticed last night is a dull ache/fullness in my liver area. I will definitely be doing a
Liver Flush after my system gets used to food. I am planning on doing the New West Diet after this--probably the detox version first, some bowel and
parasite cleansing, too...so I have my work cut out for me. I did go for my yearly exam last week, and everything was well--perfect iron count, perfect blood pressure, healthy weight.
Thanks for all the support! I will continue visiting--I believe the
Master-Cleanse will be something I return to again and again.