I believe a short fast (up to ten days) on FRESH juices would be far more supportive and beneficial in your case than the MC. The wonderful book Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing by James Balch, MD and Phyllis Balch, CNC, recommends juice fasting on beet, carrot, asparagus, raw cabbage, grape black cherry and all dark colored juices, plus apple... drink fruits in the am, when your body is naturally cleansing, and veggies in the pm when you are rebuilding. DO do a
Colon Cleanse EVERY day you fast, particularly critical for you. Prescritpions for Nutritional Healing describes and recommends coffee retention enemas daily, and cleansing enemas with lemon juice or garlic. DO follow a light exercise program during this time.
You should start your fast with a week of cleansing diet. Eat a large bowl of fresh fruit with NATURAL yogurt for breakfast (whiz if you like as a smoothie), big salad dressed with good oil like flax or olive, fresh garlic, cayenne... then homemade vegetarian vegetable soup, all you like. Drink juices as well during this pre-cleanse. This will get your body cleansing gently, and make the first week of the fast much easier. You may wish to drink juices for only five days, then return to a cleansing diet, then do another five days, then break again with the cleansing diet.
I hope this helps. How advanced is your cancer? Where is it located? I believe you should find a sympathetic natural health provider who can help outline your goals and supervise your fasting.
Best to you,