For some people it's a breeze but I will say that it has been a stuggle all along for me too....but a happy one. My friend is a 5 star chef here in NYC and you can only imagine !!! I had to stop hanging out with him and his wife until after I've finished. My brain has been playing tricks on me. I can smell a banana 10 blocks away ! I went to the park yesterday and everybody had their little picnics (and I thought I would go to the park to get away) But you know what, I know this is the best, I know the food will be there when I'm done. It feels like you will never taste it again, like you're somehow doomed while the world around you parties it up with delectable delights, treats, goodies. I swear a lettuce leave looks like a scrumptious meal right now ! I know it feels like somehow coffee, ice cream, pizza & fried chicken are tap dancing on your head but NO...LOL (I'm a vegetarian so I see jumping peanuts, my fav, and the salad bar at the Whole Foods Market sweetly lures me inside) Still, at the end of it all ( day 6 here and 4 more to go) I feel great. I feel relieved. I feel acomplished and satisfied. I know people think you are crazy but all of a sudden when you are looking awesome everyone wants the recipe for the Stick to it, don't fret and in a few days food will greet you again into it's loving arms!