My name is Zane. I am 27 year old male and about 210
lbs. Dont have exact weight right now but ill weigh myself when i get off work in a couple hours. I am going to "start" with a 7 day
Water Fast right now and see how i feel. I would like to reach 30 days as my ultimate goal but im goibg to start smaller with more realistic expectations so im not disappointed in the end. After my first 7 days are finished i will take it day by day up to a max of 30 days if all goes well. I will break the fast when i notice my body is giving me signs to break the fast or if any health complications occur outside normal detoxing symptoms. Ive done my research and have done multiple 3-4 day fasts in my past. I decided to take it to the next level and try to do a deeper cleanse.
Im doing this to change into better eating habits, more energy, better skin, detox and mental clarity and perhaps being more in touch with my body. I want to know what it feels like to be healthy and energetic again. I want to get my life on track. Upon finishing this fast i will maintain a whole foods plant based diet.
Im inspired by the success stories of others and hope to inspire others myself.
Feel free to leave encouragement or advice. I will be posting my experiences every day.