I have been lurker here for a long time, thanks to all the amazing folks here helping people around the world with their health issues.
After a lot of reading and observation of my symptoms, I'm almost certain that I have
Iodine deficiency. Here are my symptoms
1) Extreme hair loss and hormonal acne
2) Can't sweat easily
3) I can't easily get up from bed in the mornings, feel very tired(even after 10+ hours of sleep)
4) Very dry skin and hair
5) Can't gain weight no matter what I eat(only anti-symptom)
6) Brain fog
7) Cold hands (especially my right hand) and feet. I always used to have a very hot body, including hands and feet but this was 2 years back.
8) Halitosis
9) Gut issues (heartburn during early mornings, occasinally)
10) General tiredness and procrastinative in native
11) When I last tested I was severely deficient in Vitamin D and B12
I have started with one drops of
Lugols 2% along with DryE with yeast free selenium, magnesium citrate and B complex. I have no symptoms with this dosage, after how many days on this dose can I safely ramp up to 2/3 drops a day? Also, I don't notice any difference in my symptoms on this dosage.
Am I on the right track to get rid of my health issues? or am I missing something?
P.S - My regular blood routine came out clean. TSH is at normal range