White Shark
What is the temperature outside where you live ? Is it winter, spring, summer, autumn ?
Juice fasting is good to do during spring, summer and even early autumn.
But, if it is cold winter, it may not be the best time to start.
Do you consume any seaweed, sea food, fish, shrimps?
Many of your symptoms are signs of poor functioning thyroid gland, and consuming seaweed and seafood daily can help recover the function, by bringing
Iodine and 30 other minerals back to diet.
Liver Flush may also help, by cleansing your liver, as liver is almost always the problem with similar symptoms.
Research dysbiosis, research liver flush, research grains-free diet, research natural sources of
Iodine ... it all may help you.
Raw food may not be the best option for you, but you will only know it for sure if you try it.