Hi Robert, If you went to a regular dentist that removed it, it could be that if he didn't use a dam, and have somebody constantly using a sucktion device you could have consumed a lot of mercury and other junk.
Also before you make the drive, ask the dentist if he has a cavitat machine, or some other way to find a cavitation.
Xrays won't do it. it's been 15 years or so when I had my cavitation so there could be an alternative way to detect a cavitation by now
I got a pus filled near the extraction site on a nearby tooth I pop it I feel better before I pop it I felt exhausted and worse fatigue.
They did use suction When they removed it I remember them saying something about making sure to get all that infection out
At the point that you released the Pus from the other tooth you should have done something then, Call that dentist back and tell him he didn't finish the job, or go to a holistic dentist then.
How long was it between the extraction, and knowing there was still infection?, days, week, months?
You can't get rid of an infection properly with topical applications because the infection is below the gum line, and already traveling in the blood.
In my opinion, the hell with cost. You need to get to a reliable holistic dentist immediately.
As far as what it cost me for the Cavitat. At that time he charged me $300 per qudrant. I only had a problem in one area so I took a chance and just did that area[qudrant] I don't remember what the cavition surgery cost. I had pain, and the jaw hinge when I ate would catch pain would run down the back of my head into my shoulder.
I was told the shoulder pain was fibromyalgia which healed after the cavitation along with the jaw hinge problem. Eventually after having the rest of the teeth work done all my health problems went away.
Infections can travel around the whole body attacking any organ. you really do need to put your teeth problems to bed.
My best
I hear you, Robert, not that it does you any good.
The Colloidal Silver could keep what it can reach under control, and you could try and take the CS sublingually also to get it directly into the blood stream.
This would attack the problem from two directions. That is if you were thinking about swishing in the area of the mouth that was infected. There are a couple of things to know about subligual, so here's a link that will expain.
Other than that, it would be good if you try and relax, meditate, do EFT to get the stress down
There is more info, just search for EFT
So how did you know you had cavitation what symptoms what did you do and how long to feel better how are you now
The jaw hinge at the right side would click and some time catch when I chewed. The dentist suggested I do a cavatat test which as I have mentioned before is more like sonar than it is xray.
The way it was explained to me was that it would bounced signals off the jaw bone and would determine where bone was missing.
The cost at that time, 2000 era was $300 per quadrant, or $1200 for the whole mouth. Since I didn't have any reason to suspect a problem else where I just did the one.
It was caused because when the tooth was there the dentist neglected to remove the 2 or 3 ligaments that hold the tooth there.
I also had pain running down the back of my head into the shoulder which was later DX'd as Fibro Myalgia.
All the problems got better within a couple of weeks. My new dentist at the time didn't believe me. He retired shortly after, but I can't say the two were related.
No problems since.
Were all thankful when we get info from posting here but take your time to give feedback on how it helped, or [not]
Wish you well