Exia, I'm so sorry that you've been falsely accused and, if it were me, I would take legal action, immediately. I would speak to my parents (if I were still living at home), and I would consider a "Cease And Desist" message sent by snail mail to her via a hired attorney and a serious threat of civil action for slander if she doesn't shut up. I would never speak to this young woman, again - ever. I wouldn't speak to my friends about her, either.
Then, I would delete every social media account and profile that I had, stay off of any technological communications device (including TEXTING), and I would make every effort to get balanced and grounded before I even attempted another relationship.
Today, people are living out every aspect of their lives via social media - EVERY aspect. From the most intimate details to the most mundane and trite occurances, they're posted and made public and.............the sad fact is that nobody cares. Seriously. Nobody cares. ....until....someone starts flinging about false accusations. Contemporary social media has created a monsterous behavioral situation where people are being deliberately manipulated by various entities: www.latimes.com/business/hiltzik/la-fi-mh-facebooks-user-20140630-column.html
So, it would probably be the best option to choose to get rid of all technological communication. If you have a cell phone, they still make ones that are just phones to make calls with. Stop texting, entirely - it's taken the place of actual verbal communication. If you really don't need a cell phone, there are still land lines. It would also be a very good option to contemplate taking legal action before you turn 18. Once you're 18, this young woman can seek to have you prosecuted if she is as malicious as she sounds. Speaking to her about her behaviors isn't going to help you, at all. She's a drama whore like so many people are, today, and she's not going to care (literally) about the consequences of her false accusations.
THEN.........it might also be a healthy option to consider counseling therapy to sort out some things in your perceptions that make troubled women attractive to you so that you can break this pattern of choosing unhealthy partners. I type this because I haven't had a partner since 2011, and I don't anticipate ever having one, again. This is a choice, not a punishment. I have many personal issues that I work on, each day, to improve my own life on my own. I don't have a cell phone, and I will not have one, thank you. I deleted all social media accounts many months ago, and I cannot describe how much better my life is without that constant compulsion to "check" what people have posted, or who has responded to MY posts. It's all manipulations and this woman who is making these terrible accusations is a prime example of someone using social media to get attention without one thought of the long-term ramifications of her actions.
I wish you the very best, Exia. Brightest blessings to you and make 2017 the year that you take your own life, choices, and decisions in your own hands and find your own path.
Exia, the accuser is a drama whore, that's all. ANY attention that this woman receives is just that: attention. Whether it's your friends telling her to stop, you telling her to stop, or people playing this bullshirt out through social media, it's all attention for her. This is a growing epidemic within this specific age demographic - drama/trauma and social media.
You absolutely CAN take legal action, and it might not be a bad option to contemplate this by talking to people who are knowledgeable about it. Your friends probably mean well and want to help you, but they don't have the Life Experience or legal knowledge to provide suggestions, at this point.
Here are things that you can do (in the order that they're listed) that might help put this outrageous mess to an end:
I truly am sorry that you're experiencing this outrageous slander. It's not going to disappear as long as this woman is getting attention. If it wasn't you that she targeted, it would certainly be someone else - she's damaged and what she is doing really diminishes the actual crime of rape for those of us who have experienced it.
Bearing false witness against other human beings comes with consequences, Exia. She should know this and experience the consequences so that she thinks twice before doing this type of thing to someone else. NO.........legal action isn't going to "cure" whatever is ailing her, but it will make her aware that there are ramifications for generating slander against someone.
Brightest blessing to you
Exia, that's why counseling therapy might be a good option - to help you process your feelings, properly and safely. And, to begin to rebuild your system of beliefs, perceptions, and ability to respond rather than react.
"Love" is a very broad sentiment that requires maturity and a strong, healthy sense of Self, and it is quite likely that you still "love" what this woman should have been, rather than what she truly is. I had no idea what "love" really was for over 50 years, and I had the same issue with the first abusive spouse - I "loved" what I thought he should have been and ignored what he actually was, and I chose this man because I was raised in a dysfunctional family environment and developed a whole host of messed up thinking. My messed up thinking spanned all relationships, not just romantic ones, and I didn't realize that Life could be different from the drama/trauma that I seemed to constantly experience. Don't wait until half your life is passed before you seek to sort yourself out. It's a challenge to walk away and learn something from such bad situations, but you sound as if you really want to take away some kind of wisdom from this. So, brightest blessings to you and you CAN do this.