Your video is interesting and I congratulate you on your progress.
I would urge you to take the radii solaris far more seriously as you do not seem to see it as big a problem as I do. Therefore I will give you some information for you to consider.
Radii Solari do indicate Increased Intestinal Permeability Syndrome aka Leaky Gut as you are aware. However this is a far bigger problem than you seem to be aware of. It puts your liver and detox systems under a very heavy load which is counter productive and significantly retarding your detox goals. You have made good progress but I think that the Leaky Gut is really slowing down progress while your body is dealing with it. Leaky Gut does compromise stomach function and can badly affect methylation and is often a precursor to cancer.
Leaky Gut is actually located in the stomach! It is caused by an extremely common stomach infection by a gram negative bacteria which attacks the stomach and burrows into the stomach lining and then creates a biofilm to protect it. The attack on the stomach has a reflex action on the nervous system which affects the colon. Where you see the radii solaris originate from the pupil are locations where there is a infection in your stomach. Places where the radii solaris originate from the nerve wreath are where the bacteria have spread into later parts of your digestive system. These will probably be harder to destroy! Not that the infection in the stomach will be easy to eliminate.
BTW these bacteria and there are a number of different ones, helicobacter pylori is the only recognised one so far. They tend to be urease positive and neutralize stomach acid so it might be worth you testing your stomach acid levels with a simple sodium bicarb tests. Trying an acid test to see if you get burping from carbon dioxide production from the urease enzyme might be worth doing.
Therefore I would urge you to focus on the infection and do everything to eliminate it because it will increase your detox capabilities considerably.
Chances are that the discolouration was caused by this infection. I cannot see any deterioration of your nervous system which would cause autoimmune problems so you might not be aware of such things....yet. That affects immune system control and causes things such as pain, arthritis, asthma etc.