Looks a lot like the leavings of a ropeworm. They create 'cities'/structures while metabolizing (digesting) food. This usually happens when there's insufficient stomach acid in the stomach when first eating.
Fermentation in the small intestine will always make you feel like sheet(!).
Halide imbalances usually have a big role to play in low stomach acid/a root problem that allow digestive flora to act like parasites. (Halides are: mercury, bromide, floride, iodine, chloride, less desireable ones are bromides, florides and mercury because they bork the lymph system (hormone transport and cellular waste cleansing system). Generally only a problem in countries where bromides and mercury are legal in the medicinal and texttile/food industries AKA USA... )
Antibiotics can trigger this sort of activity too.
Many bacteria create ropeworms (aka FODMAPS/biofilms/digestive mats/mucoid plaque/candidiasis/buttgoop).
Ropeworms get bad if they've had lots of inorganic material to eat (over months or years). Yeasts are pretty bad, they create protiens that are bio-identical to mammal protiens that latch onto the gut wall- and that way fool the immune system from kicking them out.
Inorganic materials in foods can be hydrogenated vegetable oils, plastic residue from foods packaged in plastics, pesticides, fillers (like magnesium stearate in supplements), etc, etc. See
//www.curezone.org/foods/foods_that_kill.asp for a good table/idea of what foods are safe and which are bogus.
Whatever you did to get the goop to detatch, continue!
Good resources for research on it,
Youtube search "Dr. Andreas Kackler autisim one ropeworms"
website ropeworms.com
wikipedia.com "biofilms"
Oneradionetwork.com search the broadcast archives 'biofilms'
Makes interesting listening on an iphone or computer while busy with making dinner, driving or cleaning the house.
Jennifer Daniels has some very good PDF files out there on a beneficial protocol against them, google 'the candida cleanser Dr
Jennifer Daniels '.
Staph tends to create the white biofilms, candida albicans can also create the very white ones. They often show up as those colors in boogers in kids with colds. They're most creative (build the fastest) on refined sugars/flours where all the minerals have been removed.