Hi Friends, I have been searching for a long time now and have not found any articles or literature on what I experience, so I thought I would share it here. Perhaps we can come up with what is going on, and perhaps some of you may want to try it out and have similar experiences!
I am no stranger to enemas, usually I favor the
coffee enema about once a week. I try to do a cleansing enema first, and I have experimented with saline enemas (himalayan salt), high enema series for colonic-like effects, and
Oil Enema s.
By far the most interesting to me has been the coconut oil implant. Usually when I see a coconut
Oil Enema written about, it is recommended to use what I consider very little actual coconut oil (maybe 2-4 tablespoons) with warm water.
I usually take a cleansing enema or two to clear everything out. I like to take the oil after the coffee enemas, usually, because these can be very drying to the colon.
I warm anywhere from 1/2 cup to a full cup of pure, unrefined, organic coconut oil in the enema bag and retain it overnight. It is sometimes recommended to wear some lining in your pants overnight as you feel like you're passing gas, but it's actually leaking out oil.. gross, I know. The better cleansed my bowels are beforehand, the less I experience this and the more my colon will be inclined to retain the oil.
I read it in some Ayurveda writing that if your colon is more dry, it will hold on to more oil, and if it is not, it won't.
Anyway, if it has been long enough since I'd last done a coconut oil cleanse, I will experience quite a bit of cramping sometime the next morning or the next day. It can often be hours after I've already released the oil. Shortly after the cramping comes a bowel movement of GROSS, STICKY gunk. They is accompanied by huge globs of white sticky, mucous-y threads or worms. Sometimes the threads are long and white, or a few times, dark emerald green. I've read somewhere before that candida takes on this appearance during some stage of its life, though I am unsure about this. I used to take chlorophyll implants so I wondered to myself if that "dyed" the white threads a dark green- or fed them in any way.
I do know that coconut oil is very anti-fungal and anti-candida. This phenomenon is very peculiar to me, especially because I've done several candida cleanses, coconut oil detoxes (orally), and
parasite cleanses. All with wonderful results, and I see a clearing up of symptoms. However, it is only the coconut oil implant that gets whatever this is out of me.
This weird experience does not happen to me twice in a row. I have to wait a few weeks or months in order for whatever it is to rebuild, or come back into the colon (I'm not sure which) in order to release it again.
Any ideas? I absolutely recommend trying it if you have not already.
I feel wonderful once they're actually released. Better out than in...