From Nematodea 8C: Stabilize the infection. Nematodes.
FenBen and Albendazole should be considered designer antiparasitics, because of the low membrane impact of the meds at typical long term levels:
Dose at 6PM
FenBen can be done daily at 5mg/kg. No loss in hair, growth. Human testing done to several hundred days in study. Broad Spectrum, pig worms.
ALB every other day 400mg liquid, 3.5ml of 113mg/ml. Low and slow inhibit the feeding of worm adults from the body. Protects Organs, ALB is frequently used as a low dose daily co factor with other antiparasitics for deeper penetration and goes through the BBB med, 400mg/D 113kg.
Fruit on the bottom yogurt is a great mixer. Source of two bacteria families, Calcium, Mixes away taste of meds.
DEC 400mg/D 113kg w food 6PM Larvacide.
IVM 200ucg/kg/D 3-6AM Muscles and L1 stage removal.
Bulk cylinder of Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa
12:1 50% Piperazine natural putricene - natural nitrogen catalyst. urea loop increase processing of urea. teaspoon heaping in fruit on the bottom yogurt AM/PM
1. An aqueous amine solvent comprising piperazine and one or more amines selected from the group consisting of: hexamethylenediamine, putrescine, bis(aminoethyl)ether, and aminoethylpiperazine.
2. An aqueous amine solvent comprising piperazine and a linear diamine, wherein the linear diamine comprises at least one of the following between the amine groups on the linear diamine: at least 4 carbon atoms and at least 4 oxygen atoms.
Butter teaspoon per day. AM
2-4 yogurts,
10 small doses of natural calcium/D
Banana per day
Egg per day
Whole wheat nut seed bread heavy fresh cut loaf.
Papain teaspoon powder in cranberry juice, sips per day. Eggs and Enzymes.
Coco and Cream
2 Citrus OJ per day
L Carnitine 500- 1500 mg/D
CQ10 in d alpha e oil, 400mg
Now Foods 3771 tablet
Source of Life #3059
E 800IU Carlson's E gems d alpha E
Choline - Natures Way
2 Beta Glucan
Selenium 200 - 600 ucg/D oxygen
with sulfur level 2 MSM caps 1000mg/D
or DMSO 20 drops per day in distilled water.
Or Magnesium Sulfate, daily level less than 1030mg for 3 or 4 months till lever stops dumping green.
6 mg Copper Citrate per day till GI bacteria in balance.
Pomegranate Seed Oil
manganese sulfate pulse, Arginase Bladder
White Willow bark cap powder.
Whey Powder
Oat Bran
Ester C 2G/D
Occasional melatonin with P5P
Spectrum of oils olive from Sicily, coconut butter or EFA natural refined. E, tophicotrols amines.
Rosehip Seed Chile
Borage Seed Oil
PB&J Blackberry Jam
Lemon Oil