I've been suffering with this skin condition for twelve years. Nine months ago, it took a turn for the worse. Words can't describe the pain I'm in and how fatigued I get. It's ruining my quality of life. I get little spots randomly all over my body. Mostly they're on both butt cheeks and the right side of my back going across my shoulder blade, and on my right hip. I have two spots on my left arm. I'd say that it's affecting mainly the right side of my body. I also get them throughout my scalp on & off. They resemble a tiny pimple or ingrown hair. They grow in size when scratched open, and since they get itchy, they're always getting bigger. Right now I have some the size of a quarter and others as big as deck of cards. They'll get a thin type of scab over them but never ever heal. If scabs are gently wiped off after a shower, the sores are filled with these strange whites spikes that remind me of rice. I believe these strange spikes are what's causing the pain. They feel like shards of glass and if I remove them, the pain will immediately go away, the pore bleeds for a minute or so, and that spot will heal literally within a day or two. I went to my family doctor. He treated me with permethrin cream twice and I'm currently on my third round of Ivermactin. He's not convinced in the least, that these are scabies but knew he had to try something. He sent me to infectious disease and there was absolutely no help there. The doctor looked at my sores and simply said "your pores are just dirty, those white things are collections of dirt & oil." She had me change my soap to Cetaphil. At this point I'm feeling really low. If infectious disease can't help me, then I'm doomed. Family doctor then sent me to a dermatologist. I feel hopeful again. I go there and the doctor says no it's not scabies, I must be allergic to something. He does a three day allergy test on me and it showed absolutely no allergies. He saw my frustrations and he sat down on a stool right beside me. He looked at me and was so serious. He said I have a stand up bed here that is very similar to a tanning bed. I'd like for you to come three days a week and use it, it makes so many people feel better and it lifts their moods." I looked at him and I seriously thought I was going to punch him in the face. He then goes on to say that "perhaps your scratching yourself in your sleep." Oh my God, WTF?! Then what the F%#£! are these painful white things in my sores?!?!? I'm not making those up? I'm not putting them in my skin?! Complete idiot. The Infectious Disease doctor or the Dermatologist didn't do a biopsy on any of my sores, they did nothing. The perm cream and Ivermactin have helped to a degree, but hey aren't curing anything. About a month ago when I started my third round of Ivermectin, I became infiltrated with these painful white things. So many we couldn't count them. I took pictures to my Family doctor. These "things" only come out to this extent, when the sores get wet (shower/bath.) So I went to my family doctor and showed him pictures. He was shocked and literally was freaking out. He's didn't realize the extent of it and gave me a sample cup. He said if these things come out or you pick some out, put them in the cup and get them up to the lab. Finally, somebody is helping me. I still haven't heard back yet, I'm hoping this week. During this whole ordeal, I've been doing the ridiculous cleaning regiments, both house & car, changing bedsheets every night, cleaning any surface I touch, etc. No one else seems to have this. Not family or co-workers. I'd really appreciate any thoughts on what this could be or if any of you have had anything similar happen to you. I'd like to post a picture but I can't find an option to do it. I want my life back.