Positive mind
In my experience they hide in the lower colon away from meds. DEC works well for larvae that hatches daily. I do saline enemas almost daily and i kill quite a lot of roundworms this way. I take meds orally, for all stages. I do the enemas late evening. I think you can try some ivermectin and/or mebendazole with a bulb enema. You need to crush the mebendazole and add to the water. I know it works well with pinworms, from what i have heard. Roundworms and flatworms need different meds. I would take them orally and do saline enemas. Salt works well with everything. Avoid
coffee enemas and coffee in general. For flatworms, you need to low dose prazi with albendazole for a while, see mattk3's document
Ascaris 123 for dosing guidelines. For roundworms, you need papain powder 2x a day in cranberry juice, a heaping teaspoon to digest eggs. Also DE is good, small amounts with meds. I take piperazine citrate throughout the day, and time it so they stay paralyzed and get hungry for 6pm, then take fenben, alb, DEC and for a while did prazi too. I have not had any flatworms so stopped prazi. I take ivermectin early morning daily. I take lots of meds because i have a complicated hyperinfection so maybe you do not need to do the same, you can just do less meds, with enemas. Roundworms are usually nocturnal, they wake up late afternoon and their peak is around late night. Best to take meds at this time so they eat them. Some roundworms are not nocturnal, like hook,but you should feel this by their activity patterns. Make sure.you support.your detox organs and detox daily and take probiotics daily,eat lots of natural yoghurt and take immune support, in the morning.